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8 New Gun Laws for the State of Colorado in 2024


Governor Jared Polis (D) signed 8 new Gun Laws into effect for the State of Colorado in 2024. Here is a list for your information as a responsible Gun Owner so you know what is changing and how it will effect you.. 

1)Senate Bill 3 authorizes the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to probe gun crimes, including illegal firearms purchases. It also sends $1.5 million to the agency for that work, money that will be spent hiring 10 employees next fiscal year, which starts July 1

Effect = This will NOT effect Legal Gun Owners in Colorado, CBI already does the background checks for your legal Firearms Purchase.. This just strengthens the States Investigative resources to combat Gun Crimes.

2)Senate Bill 131 Guns banned in schools, voting sites and the state Capitol

The Colorado Capitol, courthouses, child care facilities, K-12 schools, colleges and polling locations have been added to the list of places where the open or concealed carry of a firearm is prohibited.

The legislation has exemptions for law enforcement offices, security personnel and on-duty members of the military. State lawmakers at the Capitol are not exempt starting on Jan. 4, 2025.

People caught carrying a gun in a place where it is prohibited face a Class 1 misdemeanor, punishable by up to 364 days in jail or a fine of up to $1,000 or both.

Effect = If you are a regular Legal CCW holder and carry your Firearm we recommend reading the details of this bill. Many of these locations were already gun-free zones this bill just closed some loop-holes and exceptions.. 

3)House Bill 1122   Requires people who are subject to a Temporary Domestic Violence Restraining Order to relinquish their guns and ammunition and prevents them from purchasing more firearms or ammunition while the order is in effect. The law also requires the restraining order to include notice of the relinquishment requirement and the purchase prohibition

Effect = If you receive a TDVRO you need to figure out the where/how to relinquish your Firearms and Ammunition and Don't try to purchase new Firearms or Ammunition during the duration of the TDVRO

4)House Bill 1174  Starting July 1, 2025, the requirements for obtaining a concealed carry permit will change. It mandates that training classes to qualify for a concealed carry permit offer at least eight hours of instruction, including a live-fire test where participants shoot at least 50 rounds. Passing the live-fire test, as well as a written exam, will also be mandatory to get a concealed carry permit. 

Effect = MANY good CCW classes already meet this requirement as you have a responsibility to know the Self Defense and CCW laws in our State before you legally carry a firearm and many instructors would not sign off on your training without a live-fire demonstration of skill/knowledge. 

5)Senate Bill 66

By May 2025, credit card companies will have to assign specific merchant codes to firearms and ammunition dealers. This legislation is aimed at making it easier to track gun purchases BUT many big name Banks (BOA, CITIBANK) have already been doing this for years. This will further encourage the practice of Cash Discounts from Dealers. 

6)House Bill 1349 This Bill will allow the Voters of the State of Colorado to decide on an additional 6.5% excise tax on Firearms, Gun Parts and Ammunition sold in the State. 

Effect = Nothing yet, has to be put on the ballot

7)House Bill 1353 Firearms dealers in Colorado will be required by July 1, 2025, to obtain a state permit that costs $400 and be subject to random and regular inspections. The law will also require employee background checks and training to identify people trying to illegally purchase guns. Employees will have to report anyone who tries to unlawfully purchase a gun to law enforcement within 48 hours. Finally, the measure will require  gun stores to lock up their firearms. A dealer whose permit is revoked must wait three years before reapplying for a permit.

Effect = Many of these requirements are already being done by Licensed Dealers in this State. 

8)House Bill 1348 Starting in 2025, a gun will have to be in a locked, hard-sided container out of view — such as a glove box or center console — when kept in a vehicle

The bill will also require the vehicle to be locked. Violators will face a fine, though there are  exceptions for people who work on farms and ranches or in the military or law enforcement.

The penalty for violating the law will be a civil infraction that carries a fine.

The measure also requires gun dealers to post a sign notifying customers of the new law. 

Effect = This Law will have the greatest effect on Law Abiding Firearms Owners in the State of Colorado as every year more and more Firearms are stolen out of vehicles both locked and unlocked..